The main story revolves around a sociopathic hit man who is just diagnosed with schizophrenia while going through a mid life crisis, until a girl comes into his life. This plot was influenced by 3 major movies. Seven Psychopaths, No Country for Old Men, and Warm Bodies. Before I continue let me give a brief summary of each.
- Seven Psychopaths- Marty, a alcoholic screenwriter, is trying to write his next best screenplay titled "Seven Psychopaths." But as luck would have it he is unable to write a single note down. He turns to his friends/professional dog kidnappers Hans and Billy for some aid until he is wrapped up into a precarious situation.
-No Country for Old Men- Lylwen Moss finds the grimily remains of a failed gang trade where he obtains a huge sum of cash. Believing the cash to be a blessing in disguise he runs with it from hit man Chigurh. Chigurh at the same time is pursued by Sheriff Bell. A dangerous cat and mouse chase ensues.
- Warm Bodies- Unusual Zombie R falls in love with a human survivor of a apocalyptic zombie attack. Unable to fully express his emotions high jinks ensue as he tires to see if he can make this relationship work.
All 3 movies have a very harsh event happening upon the main protagonist. While both involve some form of social conflict that breaks away from societal norms with a quirky sense of humor, I call upon Chigurh's dialogue, Warm Bodies wit, and Seven Psychopaths dark humor. Also, both concer disease, granted Warm Bodies is an extreme case. So WIth that in mind its time to tackle genre next.
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